Hello, art fans!
It has been around a month and a half since we released the Seed Edition and one month since we conducted the first voting round for the Art Incubator.
Since then, we have been planning and collaborating with outstanding digital artists. In this update, you can find what we have in mind for the upcoming months.
About the Blind Gallery Editions
If you have followed the Blind Gallery over the past year, you will know that we have primarily focused on releasing “group” editions every four to six months, where multiple artists (blindly) are showcased. You get to choose the artwork you want to mint from various options.
Here are the previous editions:
The Blind Gallery Editions will continue to happen as designed, and we have exciting plans for the upcoming one that will occur in a few months.
As a reminder, Blind Gallery Club Members get early access with a discount:
Regular Membership: 2 Mint Passes reserves at a discounted price.
Premium Membership: 1 Mint Pass airdrop and 2 Mint Passes reserves at a discounted price.
Legendary Membership: Full set of mint passes airdropped.
You can join the Club by collecting a membership token here.
So far, no changes.
Blind Gallery Limited Collections
The Blind Gallery Editions are great but take a long time to prepare. That is why we are introducing Limited Collections.
What are Limited Collections?
We will release individual collections by one artist every certain amount of time. These collections will have edition numbers between 50 to 400 pieces.
We’ve been collaborating with around ten digital artists, and in early May, we will start to release these collections.
When can I collect the first Limited Collection?
We are finalizing details; it should be announced in around one week and ready to mint on the 1st week of May.
What kind of art will be showcased?
We will focus on generative art, including coded art and AI art (and in between).
Where will these collections be minted?
We will continue to use objkt.com and fxhash.xyz as our minting platforms. Nevertheless, we are working on integrating other marketplaces in the future. Each marketplace has its own benefits, and we would like to explore them depending on the featured artist and art.
What’s the process for Blind Gallery Club Members?
As mentioned earlier, nothing has changed for the Blind Gallery Editions (happening every 4 to 6 months). In the case of Limited Collections, here is how the releases will work:
All Club members will get a reserved spot. As these are limited editions (50 to 400 pieces), the reserves may be over-allocated, and therefore, it will work on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Gold Memberships holders will get one piece airdropped.
After the pre-sales period, any remaining pieces will be available on a public sale at a higher price.
The exact pricing will vary, depending on the collection.
We are excited about the upcoming collections and can’t wait to share the first one!
Don’t forget to claim Blind Gallery Badges
If you participated (collected) in previous Blind Gallery Editions, you can claim your badges in the Club Section — you don’t need to be a club member to claim them.
Questions? Leave a comment below or join our Discord 👇
Talk to you soon!
- Kaloh and the Blind Gallery team.
PD: Here is a photo from our last team retreat in Mexico City!
Can’t wait to see where this goes. Will we know who the artist is or will this continue the Blind way?